Once again I hop on a Luftansa flight returning to Seattle, to my children and to my real life. I find myself imagining what life will be like once we are living in Germany. I am constantly comparing life quality and opportunities for my children. The feeling that this is right, it is what is meant to be, never wavers.
For the next couple of months I spend much of my time evaluating what price this dream is worth. I ask myself, “is it really a dream when your entire life has led you to this point and sent you in this direction? Is it really crazy to want to expose your children to the best possible education, both in schooling and in life experiences? Is it wrong to spend a good chunk of what you have worked your entire life for to pursue your dreams for both yourself and for your children?”
My dream and goal for my children from the day they were born was to create wonderful citizens. People who positively impact the world and the people they come in contact with. A big part of that dream has involved travelling with them and exposing them to other cultures and environments. Introducing them to interesting people. Speaking with them as intelligent human beings that are capable of understanding so much more than we give them credit for. Having them spend time living in a foreign country, going to a school with children from every culture, exposing them to varied belief systems, and immersing them in mastering a foreign language is part of that goal.
I talk endlessly with family members and friends, asking them if I am being selfish, is there something I am not thinking about, is all of this worth the challenges I must face to accomplish it. Like the country song says “A good friend and a glass of wine” (only for me it is a cup of tea) provides the occasional respite I need when the pressure becomes too great. Greatfulness abounds for those girly girlfriends that have my back!
An even bigger thankfulness for my cousin Chris, who is like an Uncle to my boys and more like a grown son to me. His calm and steady demeanor along with his ability to laugh with me and make me laugh is a good thing. His willingness to help with the boys as I travel back and forth to Germany has been wonderful. When he said that he doesn’t want to just hear about it anymore, he wants to come with us to Germany also, I am thrilled! What an adventure this is becoming!
All this time, I am slowly making progress and things continue to move forward in Germany as MotoSoul becomes more and more real. I draft a business plan, put together preliminary financials, and create a presentation for the City Officials, since they are the owners of the Schloss. I reach out through my EO (Entrepreneurs Organization) network and am introduced to several people in the region that can offer advice and assistance.
I see signs everywhere that inspire me to keep going. I find that when I open my eyes, these signs are everywhere. From the random message that I see at just the right time, to the person that shows up in my life at just the right moment. From the beginning of the MotoSoul journey, these signs have been strong. So far they have always led me in the right direction, with the best part being the incredible people I have met along the way.