Someone told me there is a pizza place in Mutzschen across the street from the Mayor’s office, so I set out to give it a try. From the street it looks pretty non-descript, this could go either way based on my restaurant critiquing experience!
I walk in to the warmth of a wood burning oven and a feeling of walking into someone’s home. It is a restaurant, but the back room feels more like a family dining room. I am so hungry, and so curious I order a pizza, pasta, and a salad along with a gross bottle of sparkling water and a glass of chianti. Enough food to feed my family! I ask about the carbonara and when I learn they add the raw egg I am totally hooked! I know this is going to be good.
As I relax into the corner table, I watch people come and go. I realize this is a place that families feel at home. They celebrate birthdays, and anniversaries, and the food is “cooked with love” as Keaton likes to say about good restaurants. I am eager to bring my boys here and to get to know the owners, as I can see that not only do they make fantastic food, they appear to be prudent business people and like what they do. My kind of people!
When I am completely stuffed, I roll myself out of there and head home, knowing that I have discovered another thing about Mutzschen that sings to me.