I cannot shake my desire to return to Mutzschen again, so I hop on a motorbike (a BMW 1200GSA) and head back. I feel a strong desire to spend time on the property, to take some special pictures that I can study, and to spend time with the locals to gauge how that all feels. MotoSoul should be about the heart. It is about feeding the connection that motorbikers share. There must be heart in the location and the people too!
First things first – I am on a bike and I have some time – so I divert to Dresden. As always, it is best for me when I prolong the prize with some anticipation! I also want to see what the roads are like if you approach Mutzschen from that direction. As I am riding in the countryside through village after village, seeing castles or castle ruins on every hilltop, following incredible, curvy roads over rolling hills I see American Indian teepees!! I approach and see a sign – The Western Hotel – and they are flying the Texas flag!! U TURN!!!
I park the GS and go for a walk. Johnny Cash tribute band posters, American food, Western décor everywhere, and when I reach the backyard, I see a beautiful silver haired woman (long braided pony tail) in cowboy boots tending a horse. I approach and ask about the hotel. It turns out that she is American – big surprise HAHA – and we have a nice conversation about her moving to Germany, the hotel business, and living as an Ex Pat here. I walked away feeling that I made a new friend, but more importantly, that I just validated everything that I wanted to do. The throttle rolled easier and the roads became that much more beautiful after that conversation as I made my way to Mutzschen.
Hunger sets in, and I decide to do my favorite thing – grab a picnic! German meat salad, cheese (my favorite food), a fresh baked pretzel, and a dark chocolate Ritter Sport all tossed into my pannier, and then I am on my way. I arrive at the Schloss gate and park on the bridge for a picnic. As I enjoy my lunch (Mittagessen) I visualize all of the things that MotoSoul can be. All of the places we can gather. All of the events we can host. All of the cool and interesting people we can bring here to speak. I am flooded with ideas, but mostly with joy! This is what is next for me. It is time…
What an adventurous journey this is. I am so excited for this destination in the world. Your idea is awesome and I look forward to following the progress and participating In Some way. Yahoo!