It is time to start building the team for MotoSoul. I know many people that could be part of this project and have been talking to them for the last year+. Smart, talented, highly capable individuals that could do what it takes to make this project successful. I know many motorbike riders that could bring talent and heart to MotoSoul and have a whole lot of fun doing it. So how do I choose the right teammates? Where do I find passionate motorbike riders that are hotel managers, tour guides, event planners, marketers, chef’s and operations experts? How do I attract people to this project when there is nothing there yet? How do I get them to roll up their sleeves and help build this? I am one person, this is a 10-15 person start up which will grow to over 50 people pretty quickly.
The saying “There is no I in team” is one I have heard many times in my business life. To build a good team means that you must let go of your own interests and look out for the group as a whole. I have found that this is very easy to do if you have the right team. All it takes is a belief in others and a belief in the good of the whole. MotoSoul is about building community. The starting team is critical in bringing this to life.
I have been fortunate enough to be part of some really great teams over the years. I have worked with incredibly dedicated people that took the term team to heart. I know that I have people in my life that would be there in any back alley situation for me, as I would be for them. We built that relationship and trust by being on the same team, by sharing the same goals, by winning and losing together.
This is not a draft pick, where I choose the best and most talented players for the money, put them together, hire a good coach and throw some marketing at it. There will be no “star player” that hogs the ball while surrounded by others tossing it to him. There is no sage guru who could come to lead us to victory, bringing all of the experience and answers needed. We are breaking new ground. Doing something big. Changing the motorbike world.
To truly build MotoSoul with all of the heart, spirit, and soul that it should have, I cannot choose the team. The team members must choose MotoSoul. They must take the leap of faith that I have taken. MotoSoul team members must believe in the idea and want to be part of it. They must decide that this is what is next for them. They must want to be part of this so badly that they will change their lives to do it.
“Taking a Leap” for someone who jumps on a motorbike and rides with no destination in mind comes pretty naturally. Riders are less risk averse than most people by nature anyway. So where is the risk? I think the risk comes from two areas:
- Combining your passion with your vocation. Answering the question – will my love for riding and motorbikes be diminished if it is what I do every day?
- Will I give up too much to do this?
The Passion/Vocation question can only be answered by trying it. You won’t know until you do it, however, I think that the way we build this could increase the passion, not diminish it.
The sacrifice question is an interesting one. What am I giving up? Hopping off the grid, stopping my world tour, creating a break in my resume, interrupting my retirement plan, choosing my future verses having it laid out for me, I could go on and on with these thoughts. I have pondered all of them over the last 2 years of working on this project. What I finally concluded is this – creating the life you want by definition means leaving something else behind, since it implies you do not have the life you want now.
I believe we are all exactly where are meant to be at exactly every moment. When the moment is right, and we are ready, we make giant shifts. I am hopeful that MotoSoul will find the right people at exactly the right time that are meant to shift. Some of them are coming forward already. More will come. I still need that Hotel Operator. I am looking for tour guides that are multi-lingual and have that personality and fun loving nature that brings customers back year after year. I need those business development people that can attract the sponsors, work the trade shows, talk to the riding clubs, attend the rallys, and do what it takes to spread the MotoSoul message.
Many other seats on the MotoSoul bus will need to be filled as this begins. If you are a passionate motorbiker and are ready for a wild ride please contact me and let me know what about this blog intrigued you and made you reach out. Deb Mutter Hey, Chief Soul Officer, MotoSoul