My Father had many wise sayings. One of my favorites is “I would rather be lucky than smart.”
I have spent the last 30 years in business learning lessons, making something from nothing, and helping people achieve what they are capable of. What has proven out time and time again is that when things go well, it’s luck. When things get rough, it’s because the timing isn’t right. I call it pushing on a rope!
I suppose the same could be said for life in general. In my 20’s I was convinced that if I work hard I will succeed. That worked, and in my 20’s it was relatively easy to do. Red-eye flights awakening in New York and going straight to business meetings, 7 day/12 hour per day work weeks, and always pushing to do just a little more.
In my 30’s, I realized maybe I could work a little less if I worked a little smarter. So, I hired smarter people, started working in teams verses alone, and put more focus on looking for an easier way. I went back to business school and realized there was a whole lot I didn’t know that would have saved me a lot of time and money.
In my 40’s, I had to find a better way. Once I had children, I wanted to spend more and more time with them. I needed to work a lot less, and yet I needed to be challenged by my work too. I started focusing on the power of letting go. I learned that if I didn’t do it, someone would, if it truly needed to be done.
So, now that I am in my 50’s, I have what I call my much larger rear view mirror. The ability to take all of those life lessons and use them to do better. The difference between now and any time before comes down to two things for me.
- I would rather be lucky than smart – Gene Mutter
- What you think about you bring about – Lou Tice
Being lucky, from what I have gathered is self-propelled. If I feel like I am a lucky person, than I am. If I feel like life just keeps throwing me lemons, then it does! Part of luck is timing. The right thing can come along at the wrong time and that is not lucky. This happens often in business. Great idea, too soon or too late to market.
When I think good things, good things happen. When I think bad things, more bad comes. This, too, is a self-fulfilling prophesy. If I focus on all of life’s possibilities, everything is possible. When I focus on what could go wrong, nothing is possible.
So, what does all of this jabber have to do with MotoSoul? Well, so far, MotoSoul is LUCKY! Good timing, stars aligning, and lots of positive momentum. The market seems ready for the MotoSoul concept. Warren Buffett seems to think the motorcycle market is a good one in Germany, just like I do – and he is definitely both lucky and smart! BMW Motorrad seems to think it is time for women to be around motorbikes, how cool is that!
I took this picture at the Leipzig Motorbike Show. To me is says so many things. First of all, GIRL POWER! Second – the timing is right. This is a girl riding, not just posing. Lastly, everything is possible. Chase your dreams, follow your heart, go for it!!