After finishing my lunch I decide I need a picture of the bike near the lake. I ride through the gates meant to signify no motorized vehicles but I don’t feel too bad since the middle post is in the down position. Not even 200 yards in, a woman is yelling at me trying to get my attention, probably trying to tell me I am not allowed there, but since I don’t speak German, I smile cheerfully, wave, and continue on my way.
I stop to take a couple pictures and continue further in, when I see a commercial lawn mower with a man riding it, tending the grass. I stop, hop off the bike, and do my favorite trick – remove my helmet so he sees I am a woman (works every time to get out of a speeding ticket – well, almost every timeJ ). His frown turns to curiosity as he approaches. He lights a cigarette and the look on his face is – this should be interesting… as we approach each other.
I want to be cautious about revealing too much, yet I am dying to ask some questions.
I ask first if he speaks any English. He replies “a little” – the skepticism grows!
I then ask if he is ok with me riding there. He says “yes, it’s ok”. HMMMM Is it a language barrier or is he purposely being cagey?
“Do you like motorbikes?” I ask. He replies “yes.” Interesting, but not helpful enough.
My next question goes a bit deeper. “Do you think people in this area like motorbikes?” Now his body language changes. “Very much” he states.
I shift gears. “What do you think about the castle?” “It’s good” comes the reply.
“What do you think about motorbikes at the castle? I am looking for a place to host motorbikes” I say.
Now he gets excited. He takes out his phone, shows me pictures of his classic motorbike with a sidecar, and tells me there is a moto cross track several kilometers away. I tell him I have ridden all around, there is no track I could see. He walks over to my bike, turns on the GPS, and plugs in the coordinates. He then tells me to go and see it. We exchange information, Markus Beiler hands me a business card showing he is the Fire Chief of Mutzschen – unbelievable! And I head out to find the moto cross track with the biggest grin on my face. Life never fails to surprise!