I finish talking with Markus and depart the Schloss, following the back roads through wheat fields to reach the waypoint. HMMM, there is a little dirt road leading off the street. Just in case, I decide to leave the bike at the street and walk in, since if I drop Olivier (this big green machine’s name) I cannot do anything about it but cry!
There is a locked gate and I can see a little trailer. I hop the fence and for a brief moment I think no one knows I am here, I am likely on private property, and if something happens I will never be found. Then I realize, hey, I am lucky and I am clever, and I am in Germany, not America, it is much safer here!!
I proceed towards the trailer and sure enough, there is a massive motocross track. Big jumps, lots of dirt and sand, hairpin turns, it’s all there. The only thing missing is a crowd, some mud (easily made by a water truck), and a beer stand.
I walk back to Olivier and stand there at the street for at least 30 minutes, in total disbelief as my mind visualizes how this project could all come together. Five years of dreaming about it, talking about all of the possibilities, and BLAM! There it is.
One of my favorite quotes that my children and I completely believe is
“what you think about you bring about.”
This has proven to be true my entire life. If I focus on what I can do, what is possible, what I want to have happen, it becomes real. This can also happen in a negative way of course, so I guess you can say that thought control is life control for me.
I hop back on Olivier Heading towards Grimma on a a beautiful back country road for my afternoon macchiato. Along the way I come across a HUGE castle clearly under reconstruction. I park the bike and walk in. What I see is one incredible restored stand alone home. The entry gate and half of the surrounding Rittergut has been restored and appears to be lovely flats. There is man working on the middle section IN A MOTORCYCLE JACKET!! Seriously… I attempt a discussion but he is ignoring me, both intent on his task but indicating he speaks no English. As my focus adjusts to the entire surrounds, I see that the remainder of the old Rittergut is in total disrepair. It is all right in front of me. The before, middle, and after. I am happy. I see the possibilities! I bounce all the way to the café in Grimma, thinking and feeling all along the way.
As that “thinking about it” continues, I have a wunderbar discussion with the waitress, who just happened to have lived as an exchange student in the USA for a year. We discussed life quality in the USA vs Germany and her presence in Grimma was a testament to the discussion.