by Chrissi | May 11, 2020 | News |
Does this represent a long way up…..long way down…..or simply just a challenge to be overcome, like any other day? My life is a series of challenges. Some wins, some losses, some just lessons learned along the way. So far, it has been very colorful, filled with...
by Chrissi | Jun 16, 2018 | News |
The Soul Food Eatery has been open for 9 months now, and it seems to fit very well to Saxon culture. I am excited to share my experience and talk about it. As an American living in Germany who speaks very little German, (although I am learning) I tend to watch a lot...
by Chrissi | Jun 16, 2018 | News |
June 2018 Deb Hey I BOUGHT A CASTLE IN GERMANY!! Yep, that’s right… Dreamer? Romantic? Crazy? That’s what most people say when they hear this. Dreamer – Did I dream about being a Princess in a Fairy Tale? No, I prefer motorcycle boots to glass...